অন্তর্দীপন স্বেচ্ছাসেবী সামাজিক সংগঠন

Antardipan Voluntary Social Organisation

**** দান করুন মানবতার কল্যাণে, আলোকিত করতে সমাজকে। রকেট:01916000193-5;নগদ: 01916000193 বিকাশ :01914652494 ****

Advisory Members


Dr. K. M Rezaul Karim

Associate Professor & Head, Department of Sociology, Government Michael Madhusudan College, Jashore. Cell:01711577855

Advisory - 01

Dr. Reazaul Karim is a sociologist. He writes on various social issues. He is a philanthropist, volunteer and blood donor. He advises Antardipan on all matters.

Dr. Zahir Raihan Tutul

Assistant Professor (Physics), Government M.M. City Colage, Khulna. Cell: 01915461603

Advisory - 02

Dr. Zahir Raihan is a social reformer. He is a role model for many students as an efficient teacher. He established many educational institution for the backward groups in the society. Sharing his knowlwdge with many social organizations including Antardipan to enlighten the people.
Bokul vi

Syed Md. Ashraful Islam Bokul

Director Rupsha Nursing Institute Rupsha Medical Assistant Training School Cell: 01917717952

Advisory - 03

Mr. Bokul is a successful entrepreneur. Realizing the importance of career oriented education, he established various institutions. He is playing an exemplary role in eliminating unemployment in society by providing job-oriented education. Under his guidance, Antardipan is undertaking various practical programs.

Dipanjan Paul (Don)

Lecturer (Philosophy), Government B.L. College,Khulna
Email: don_k_paul@yahoo.com, Cell: 01716437401

Advisory -04

Mr. Don is a philanthropist, philosopher and teacher. Cultural programs and sports are his favorite. He gave important advice on Antadipan in the mental development of the youth.

Bayezidur Rahman

Deputy Director Anti-Corruption Commission, Bangladesh Cell: 01915891675

Advisory - 05

Mr. Bayezid is a good trainer and social worker. Being able to inspire people to do good is one of his special qualities. He advised Antardipan to ensure transparency and accountability.